Monday, November 28, 2022

Regents v Bakke

    I am here today to talk about the direct violation committed by the University of California at Davis medical school.

    The fact that the school took the time to look at Mr.Bakke’s requirements and decided to reject him is completely wrong.

It is not that they did not want him into that school based on performance, it is the reason that they did not accept him due to an unlawful and wrong quota system where a certain number of white students could be admitted, 84 out of 100 to be exact.

    Now this means that the school deliberately has taken an overqualified individual and replaced him because of race, and maybe not even looking at academic integrity while doing so.


This has been proven two years in a row, not only did he apply in 1974 he also applied in 1973 and both applications were dismissed due to the special admission slots.

    In the years he was applying the medical school had multiple procedures for admitting students, first was looking at the grade point average, and with that was the interview portion where five members of the school rated them on a scale of 100 which adds up the total to 500 points.

During Mr. Bakkes Interviews in the first year, he applied he accumulated a score of an impressive 468 out of 500. You think this would be an easy acceptance for Bakkey but the school rejected him. At the time his application had gone there were four spots open but was not even considered.

    During his 1974 application, everyone during his interviews said he was a friendly intelligent person and scored another high 549 out of 600. In both years his application was rejected and not even waitlisted to further consider Bakkey.

This is a complete rejection due to the quota system and holding spots for students because of race.

    Mr. Bakke has more than enough qualifications to be accepted right away the University completely dismissed that knowing that they could accept students that fit their quota and knowing that these students that are reserved have fewer qualifications than Mr. Bakke.

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) › wex › regents_of_the_un…

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