Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Founding of The Liberator & The Underground Railroad

 During the EOTO presentations many topics stood out to me, but two in particular was the Underground Railroad and the founding of The Liberator which was a newspaper by William Lloyd Garrison, who was an abolitionist.

The newspaper was founded in Boston and it considered topics of emancipation for all slaves and it was the most influential newspaper before the civil war.

William Lloyd Garrison did not care about segregation or slavery, he wanted equal representation for all no matter your race or color.

In addition I learned a lot about William Lloyd Garrison as a person. He first joined the abolitionist movement at 25 and led multiple campaigns that were very successful to hopefully ending slavery.

He also was the founder of the New England Anti-Slavery Society and helped organize the American Anti-Slavery Society which helped bring freedom to America for all.

When The Liberator was out many southerners despised the writing since it directly attacked the southern population and because of this some took extreme measures to defend their culture of slavery.

The Underground Railroad I found interesting because it was not a specified route or trail. It was a series of houses or safe spots for runaway slaves to go to and they linked all the way to north.

I also learned that the routes did not just go to the north, some went to Mexico and even the Caribbean. John Brown was one of the so called conductor of the railroad where he helped runaway slaves get to Canada and the most famous person Harriet Tubman guided most of them to Maryland.

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